New Office for Guyra Milling

Foresta cabin has been recently built to locally owned and operated Guyra Milling as their new Office. Guyra Milling is a stock-feed company based in the New England town of Guyra near Armidale. They are a very busy mill all the year round especially at the moment producing high quality cattle feed along with other animal feeds such as poultry. The prolonged drought and high demand for supplementary feed for cattle means the plant is working at near full capacity.

Outside Guyra Milling office, New England

“Their new mill office looks right at home among the silos and elevators. The Foresta model of Scandi Cabins range is one of our most versatile and popular backyard cabins” – said Project Manager and installer Martin Chaseling at Green door.

Our authorised supplier and backyard cabins builder Green Door was commissioned to build their new office to handle incoming grain deliveries and outgoing sales of finished product . It is now completed with fitted out with NBN, internal phone lines, computer monitoring of the mill and air conditioning. The additional two windows that you can see were built by us using spare timber in the Scandi Cabins kit to match supplied windows – they are fixed and mainly designed to allow better visibility in and around the plant. Very large trucks are coming in and out of the weighbridge area of the plant adjacent to the new office.

“Such a great job. Can’t wait to get some work done inside this little beauty” – commented Guyra Milling on Green Door FB post.

Guyra Milling office, beginning
Building Guyra Milling office, New England
In progress
Inside Guyra Milling office, New England
Inside Guyra Milling office
Working inside Guyra Milling office, New England
Working inside Guyra Milling office, New England

Project details:

Builder:Armidale backyard cabins builder

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