Pool SPA & Outdoor Living EXPO, Sydney

22-23 Feb 2014 | Rosehill Gardens Racecourse

Scandi Cabins have participated with the 20 m² shed at Pool SPA & Outdoor Living Show where people were able to see the latest innovations and get inspiration for their outdoor project or backyard renovation.

Modern yet organic Sprucera brought attention of many visitors and a pleasant smell of wood inside was often said to be a surprise.

Displayed in outdoor living area building often called great idea for “man cave” by men and a “woman cave” by ladies was a good example of how large the exempt development with the largest allowable floor area of 20 m² feels like.

Scandi Cabins have designed their products to be an exempt developments under NSW Planning Policy. This means people may be able to erect a kit without council permission (given certain conditions are met) which is convenient for people wanting a fast remedy to complete their garden landscape.

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Cabin assembled in 1 day for Expo