Independent space for teenage kids

Homeowners Catherine and Alex recently added granny flat Borealis at the back of their property in Sydney. The growing family needed more space and a new added independent dwelling completely changed their life. Now two older teenagers get to enjoy their new space and privacy; parents have their house back for themselves and the youngest child.

Watch the video interview with Catherine and Alex reasons to choose Scandi Cabins. Also, the builder for Sydney talks about the benefits of building system Scandi Cabins are designed with.

Interview with the Homeowners and the builder

“It was a thrill when our Borealis was finished and the kids could move in. We put our 2 older teenagers in here. It’s just completely changed our world having them in this space.” – said Catherine.

“Honestly, we could not love it more. I pinch myself every day when I see it. Thank you [Scandi Cabins] for creating such an incredible product we are so proud to own.”

“Everyone who comes over is blown away by it, from tradies to friends, everyone is like really impressed with the look, the tradies are impressed with the quality of the build. So we just feel like we made the best investment we’ve ever made.” – said Alex.

Borealis added independent space for teenage kids, Sydney
Borealis 3D floor plan
3D floor plan
Front verandah Borealis, Sydney
Kitchen and dining room in Borealis, Sydney
Bedroom in Borealis, Sydney
Bathroom in Borealis, Sydney
Living room in Borealis, Sydney

Finding a granny flat that suits your property

Catherine came across Scandi Cabins pretty early on in her research. “I was instantly drawn to Borealis 2 bedroom design. It just completely complimented the look of our own house. I love that they were made of timber that they were quickly built, sustainable materials, just it really ticked all the boxes.”- said Catherine.

Tying new building with the existing house

When Shayne Price, the builder, initially got to the block, he noticed it was a nice, big, open block which works perfectly. However, Shayne didn’t want to just put a building in a backyard. He aimed to tie the new building in with the existing house.

Backyard space before Borealis was built
Backyard space before Borealis was built

To achieve this, builders raised Borealis on the subfloor to be the same level as the main house. And then joined the existing deck from the pool area to the deck on the new dwelling. This way existing house, new granny flat and the entertaining area in between tied everything in together.

“I think it looks absolutely fantastic. I think it looks like it has been here for years like it was part of the original build, so tied in really nicely.”-said Shayne.

Arial view of Borealis, Sydney
View from main house verandah
View from main house verandah
View from pool area
View from pool area
View from Borealis verandah
View from Borealis verandah

There was no challenge we could not overcome

We had to change a few things on the Borealis model to suit council heights.
So, we changed the pitch of the roof to get it under a building height envelope. We also had to factor in that we are on the main road, we had low power lines for unloading and loading of trucks and we also had narrow access in-and-out of the property.

Delivery of Borealis: low power lines at main road
Delivery of Borealis: low power lines at main road
Narrow access to the backyard
Narrow access to the backyard

The time it takes to build the Borealis

“We [builders team] spent a few days doing the piers and the clients sort of think what’s going on and we’re not far ahead and then within 2 days, we have a whole building in the backyard. That is the beauty of Scandi Cabins, they are very quick to go up.” – said Shayne. Every component just locks together, there are no nails, no need to seal any gaps. And then we tie the structure to the subfloor with cyclone rods. “We can complete a building to turn-key stage anywhere between 30 and 40 days. And that’s complete from footings to basically giving the key to the client to move in.” – said Shayne.

Raised subfloor foundation for Borealis

Shots from day 1 building Borealis

Shots from day 2 building Borealis

Completed independent space for teenagers

If you are looking to build a granny flat in Sydney-Central Coast-Newcastle and the Hunter area, please contact the granny flat builder of this project.

If you need an extra room built somewhere else, please find your nearest builder and contact him for a quote, site inspection or general information.

Project details:

Builder:Sydney granny flats builder

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