Home office installed within a week

When Brett needed to switch to remote work, in a family with three kids, the only option was to set up in the garage. However, it wasn’t long before the atmosphere and acoustics of the garage proved unworkable for his webcasts, which are an essential part of his consulting business.

“Obviously this option wasn’t the most attractive, but with a 4 bedroom home and our 3 children rightfully filling every space, it was actually the only one I had,” Brett explains.

Foss home office for AgileXperts
Brett Cowan owner of home office, Brisbane, QLD

Not only can a garage be unwelcoming and unappealing, to make matters particularly difficult for Brett, the sound quality in a garage proved absolutely unworkable for webcasts (an important part of Brett’s business, AgileXperts).

“I decided the best way forward was to install an office cabin in my yard, where I could have control over the sound quality, so I ordered my Scandi backyard cabin with their Authorised builder Classic Kit Homes, and it was installed within a week!”

Front of Foss home office

Now that Brett can work in his city office again, he prefers to beat the morning commute and work for half the week in his own comfortable and professional cabin office.

Foss home office for Agile Xperts

“In fact, in the evenings at times when I have finished work for the day, the kids make use of the space to reflect after the day or just play their games.”

Project details:

Builder:Brisbane backyard cabins builder

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